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Wedding Rings


As a planner I am asked a lot of questions from staying within budget and executing flawlessly on design. But when I am asked about getting into the best body shape, I can’t say I am the expert. I’ll be honest to say that I am lazy ( this is mostly true when it comes to exercise) I rather work, be in meetings, sketch out my designs—anything but work out. But after my third pregnancy, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I woke up in the middle of the night, parched as if I had mouthful of sand, and my vision started to blur. I sat at the doctor’s office after receiving the news and felt utterly crushed- I mean this only happens to 5-10% of women with gestational diabetes. WHY ME.  As if my pregnancy wasn’t hard enough. Anyway, I spent about a day wallowing in my own misery and decided that I needed to take control of my health. There was no point in sulking, we don’t lose weight that way.  I am mostly into Betty Rocker’s work out program, and there are tons our there that you can try. But the biggest thing is dedication. I am proud to say that I reversed my diabetes with exercise, balancing my stress level and eating “mostly” right =)

There is truth to the saying that it is 80% diet and 20% exercise, and we all have different biological make-ups! But I have asked the experts and if you want a solid plan to get into your wedding shape, the steps are below!

Don’t expect that you’ll get fit overnight, but start working out well ahead of time in order to look your VERY BEST come your wedding day!

3 Months Before the Wedding

Day 1 of your wedding plan begins, and it’s already hard to hit the gym, right? Here’s what your weekly workout looks like:

Days 1,3, and 5: 30-Minute Bodyweight Workout (Muscle-Building) — Do push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, and other bodyweight exercises to get your muscles accustomed to working hard. Don’t forget to pay lots of attention to your core!

Day 2, 4, and 6: 45-Minute Cardio Workout (Fat Burning/Weight Loss) — Slow and steady wins the race. 45-minutes of low intensity cardio is the way to go.

Day 7: Yoga, Stretching, or a day of rest

By the end of this month, you’ll be ready to kick things up a notch.

2 Months Before the Wedding

60 Days until “Here Comes the Bride”, and it’s time to mix things up and add some heavy weights. Trust me, it will help to shape your body and burn more fat!

Days 1 and 4: 45-Minute Chest and Back Weight Training with 15-Minute HIIT Cardio workout — Do sets of 12 to 15 repetitions, using heavier weights. It will help you to burn A LOT of calories (up to 1,000 in a single hour), and you’ll burn ONLY fat when you hit the treadmill or elliptical machine for your HIIT cardio.

Days 2 and 5: 45-Minute Shoulders and Arms Weight Training with 15-minute HIIT Cardio Workout — Once again, sets of 12 to 15 repetitions with heavy weights. You’ll see the fat behind your arms, tighten up, and you’ll give your arms and shoulders the definition that will make them look WONDERFUL in that wedding dress.

Days 3 and 6: 45-Minute Legs and Traps Weight Training with 15-Minute HIIT Cardio Workout — Working out your legs burns more calories than any other muscle group, making leg day one of the best for weight loss. Working out your traps helps to tone your shoulders even more.

Day 7: Well-deserved rest!

Don’t worry that you’ll bulk up or get hugely muscular. Just 30 days isn’t enough to make you the next Olympic bodybuilding champion!

1 Month Before the Wedding

This month is all about torching fat, using both endurance-based strength training and lots of cardio:

Days 1, 3, and 5: Full-Body Circuit Workout (Muscle Building/Fat Burning) — Do a full-body circuit routine, using light weights and doing sets of 20 reps.

Days 2, 4, and 6: 45 to 60-Minute Cardio Workout — Do at least 15 minutes of HIIT Cardio training, with the other 30 to 45 minutes low intensity, steady state exercise like jogging, walking, cycling, or elliptical training.

Day 7: Rest — It’s the day before your wedding, after all, so you need to get lots of sleep to look your best.

Wedding Day

Look absolutely amazing in your wedding dress thanks to the last six months of hard work you’ve put in!


It’s not going to be easy to get through these 90 days of workout, but it’s worth it to look AMAZING come the day of your wedding!


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Cali Nguyen

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